Friday, December 26, 2008

A to Z

Ngerjain PR dari miss seleb dulu akh...

A - Available or Single?
not available anymore hehehe

B - Best Friend?
a few

C - Cake or Pie?

D - Drink of Choice?
Hot Chocolate

E - Essential Item(s)?
Cellphone, PC, my motorcycle

F - Favorite Color?
all of'em, but mostly blue

G - Gummi Bears or Worms?
Worms ~~~

H - Hometown?

I - Indulgence?

J - January or February?
February... my special month

K - Kids?

L - Life is incomplete without?

M - Marriage Date?
belom euy

N - Number of Siblings?

O - Oranges or Apples?
Oranges... juicy

P - Phobias/Fears?
blum kepikir

Q - Favorite Quote?
berani karena benar, takut kalo salah

R - Reasons to Smile?
bisa nolong orang lain

S - Season?
Asal jangan hujan aja... becyeek

T - Tag Three?
gak perlu di tag lagi..hehehe

U - Unknown Fact About You?
let it remain unknown then.. hahaha

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals?
oppressor indeed.. sorry

W - Worst habits?
apa ya?

X - X-rays or Ultrasounds?
lebih keren X-rays

Y - Your Favorite Foods?

Z - Zodiac?